Sunday, January 24, 2010

And they're off!

Last monday, I journeyed to Portland Meadows racetrack with a group of students from the OSU student chapter of the American Association of Equine Practioners.  The trip was organized by one of the equine surgeons at the vet school, who also happens to be a member of the Oregon Racing Commission.  When we arrived at the track, the announcer met us and took us on a tour of both the front side (the stands, saddling paddock, restaurant, announcer's booth, etc.) and the backside (the shed rows where the horses are housed, testing shed, etc.).  We were able to meet and talk with the two private vets who run practices on the backside and tour one of the stables.  We also talked with the women who work in the testing shed, and learned about how/when they test horses for illegal substances.  After lunch, we met the racing commission vet--she and the other commission vet work on the front side and on the track.  They make sure horses are sound before the race, monitor the progress of the race, and treat any injuries that occur during a race.  In small groups, we were able to observe her checking the horses in the saddling paddock and during the post parade.  After the post parade, we jumped in a van with her, her assistant, and a bunch of starting gate guys.  We rode around the track to meet the horses at the gate, watched them load the horses and start the race, then jumped back into the van and rode around to see the finish.  She then watched all the horses to make sure they were still sound.  It was really cool to see a race from right down on the track, and also learn about the racing industry from a vet's perspective.

After my turn with the commission vet, we went up and watched a few races before heading home...I picked a horse in each race, but didn't put any money on my guesses.  Too bad!  While my picks didn't always win, if I'd bet on them to show (finish in the top 3) I would have made money on every race I watched.  During this time, the two backside vets had come to the restaurant where we were watching to eat with the surgeon from our school.  While they were there, the horse I had picked for the race won!  One of the vets knew the owner...her deceased husband had been a vet.  So, he took us down to the winner's circle, and she let us be in the winning picture with her.  She was so happy her horse won, and more than happy to have us all in the picture with her; her policy was the more the merrier.

Well, I have to get back to studying...midterms are upon us.

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