Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's what's for dinner

I've been spending a lot of time this week studying cardiac physiology aka how the heart works.  We have a physiology midterm this coming Thursday, and it is on a combination of muscle physiology and cardiac physiology, with the majority of the questions being focused on the cardio material.    We also have a gross anatomy midterm on Monday, which will also cover cardiac anatomy (along with everything about the neck/trunk, thoracic cavity, and the abdominal wall).

This week in animal care and handling, we spent both class periods discussing small animal nutrition.  The first class we were lectured on how to interpret a pet food label and the various standards, etc. that pet food must meet.  In lab that day we rotated around about 15 stations, learning how to calculate food dosages, about various special needs diets (urinary tract health, dental, etc.), how to figure out the cost of feeding an animal per day and year, etc.  The second day, we were lectured on how to feed various types of dogs and cats (puppies/kittens, gestating/lactating animals, athletes/working dogs, animals prone to obesity, geriatric animals) and then learned how to body condition dogs and cats.  The best part of this class was that the visiting instructor asked our class to bring in our dogs and cats to practice body conditioning on.  As someone without pets, it was great to get some animal friend K's dog spend a large part of the lecture on my lap, and I got to pet lots of dogs and cats in the name of schoolwork.

Overall, it was a pretty good week, and kind of relaxing, though I'm all amped up now for Midterms: Round 2.  I'm writing this during a study break, so I better go make dinner so I can get back to studying.  Later.


Mom said...

loved the update...keep them coming

Roberta Donaldson said...

Your mom just sent me the link to your blog. Wow I really enjoyed it. You are now my 2nd blog, Alicia's was my first. I'm getting quite technically savvy, Ha Ha.
Hey I'm an ESFJ in Meyers Briggs lingo. What are you?
Keep up the blogging and all your hard work.

Anonymous said...

We want more posts...jeeeez.