Saturday, October 3, 2009

I survived the first week

Well, I'm officially a veterinary student.  I've got a good mix of difficult and slightly easier courses, and have figured out that while I'm going to have to work my butt off in physiology, gross anatomy and animal care rock!

We've already had two hands-on classes learning about horses: the first was all review for me, though a brand new experience for some of my classmates, while the second saw us learning the basics of equine physical exams.  It was awesome.  "S," the horse my partners and I were assigned for the second class, was super sweet, and let us poke, prod and listen while standing patiently for all of it.  Or, almost all of it.  "S" did not enjoy having its mouth opened, but consented after we used a shoulder twitch (a restraint method in which the handler grabs a handful of loose skin above the shoulder and essentially pinches it tightly...our instructors weren't totally sure, but they thought it releases endorphins, in time relaxing the horse).  I still need to work on finding the digital pulse, but I was able to listen to the heart, take a temp, check the capillary refill time and jugular refill time, listen for gut sounds, and feel the hooves for heat.

Well, I better go study (really, I should always be studying).  Anatomy, here I come.

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